Planned Giving
When you include the Barnstable Land Trust in your estate plans, you make a gift for future generations to experience the lands we all hold dear.
Naming Barnstable Land Trust in your Will:
Your will affirms, honors, and protects what matters most to you. Through a specific bequest, you can name a particular dollar amount, or through a residuary bequest, you can give all or part of what is remaining after payment of debts, expenses, and specific bequests. If you would like to make such a gift to Barnstable Land Trust, your attorney may wish to include language similar to the following:
"I give, devise, and bequeath to Barnstable Land Trust Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the state of Massachusetts, EIN 22-2483963, now or formerly located at 1540 Main Street, West Barnstable, MA 02668, a gift of ($___ or ___ percent of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate), to be used for its general purposes."
You might also consider naming Barnstable Land Trust as a beneficiary in your retirement plan, insurance policy, or bank and investment accounts. Depending on the plan, Barnstable Land Trust can be named as a full, partial, or contingent beneficiary.
Important Information:
Legal Name: Barnstable Land Trust, Inc.
Mission: To protect the special places people love for present and future generations.
EIN: 22-2483963
Address: 1540 Main Street, West Barnstable, MA 02668
Contacts: Janet Milkman, Executive Director: 508-771-2585 x101
Kelsey Ellis, Director of Development: 508-771-2585 x103
Join our Legacy Circle
Barnstable Land Trust greatly appreciates your bequest or other planned gift to support our mission. Please let us know when you have arranged for such a gift so we can recognize the individuals who are providing for the future of land conservation and stewardship.
We are grateful for your generosity and support of the mission and vision of Barnstable Land Trust.
This information is for general purposes only and is not intended as legal or financial advice. Barnstable Land Trust recommends that each person considering a planned gift consult with their own legal and/or financial advisors.