Twin Brooks Golf Course Background

Barnstable Land Trust has been actively engaged in the Twin Brooks property for many years, given the importance of this last remaining large parcel of open space in Hyannis. Beginning with the Cape Symphony’s interest in a new performing arts venue in 2018, BLT has looked to partner with potential buyers on visions that incorporate passive and active recreational open space, restoration of golf course lands, including the former bog and herring run and other community needs.  From 2021 – 2023, efforts centered around the proposed large scale apartment complex by developer Quarterra (formerly Lennar Multifamily Communities, or LMC). In June 2022, the resort and conference center area of the 35 Scudder property in Hyannis was purchased by Irish Village, a local hotel operator. In April 2024 the Riverview School purchased the 40-acre Twin Brooks Golf Course part of the property and in November 2024, they purchased the conference center from the Irish Village. The hotel remains under the ownership of the Irish Village. Click here to learn more about Riverview’s Friends Forever vision.

Barnstable Land Trust has an agreement with the Riverview School and has built relationships with the town, the resort owner, and community groups to explore partnership opportunities to protect and restore the local habitat as well as provide other outdoor recreational and community needs on the property.  BLT is also continuing its effort to raise awareness and discussion focused on the critical future of “perceived open spaces” (golf courses, farms, bogs, school lands, and camps) which the Cape Cod Commission currently categorizes as developed land. 

Read more about the history of the Twin Brooks Project below.


Read about the Original 2021 Development Below:

Lennar Multifamily Communities, LLC proposes to redevelop the 40-acre Twin Brooks Golf Course at 35 Scudder Ave in Hyannis.

This development includes 312 new rental homes in 13 three-story multi-family residential buildings, with 468 parking spaces and a clubhouse. Of the units, 10% will be affordable. This will be the largest development in Hyannis on one of the largest remaining open space in town. It is bordered by two already nutrient-impacted creeks running into the estuary.

There is a significant need for affordable and market-rate rental housing in Hyannis, the Town, and on Cape Cod in general. However, this is one of the few remaining parcels of open space in Hyannis. In addition, Hyannis is underserved with open space relative to other villages in Barnstable. The project has the potential for significant negative impacts on traffic, estuary water quality, and community quality of life

 As a conservation organization, Barnstable Land Trust would like to help to conserve the entire parcel. Understanding that the parcel is under agreement, however, and the intense need for housing, BLT seeks to help develop a community-supported vision for the parcel that would meet the need for housing and open space and contribute to a smarter vision for revitalization of the West End of Hyannis.

Barnstable Land Trust engaged with the project in three ways:

1. We asked the Cape Cod Commission to change how it treats golf courses and similar recreational lands that are perceived open space and critical to the community, economy and environment. Click here to read our recommendations on Recreational Space and here to view our original letter to the commission.

2. We offered to help conserve the property should the current agreement fall through; and

3. We worked with a design/planning firm to develop an alternative plan for the site with open space and housing, based on community stakeholder input.

For more information or questions, e-mail Janet Milkman.