Annual Appeal 2024
Your year-end gift protects our vital open spaces forever.
What inspiration did you find in nature today? Was it the crisp air when you opened your door this morning, the red hues of a cranberry bog on an afternoon walk, the sound of a cardinal chirping to its mate?
It’s our hope that those elements of nature find you every day. Thanks to support from the community, Barnstable Land Trust (BLT) has conserved critical lands and protected vital habitats for 40 years, creating lasting spaces for wildlife and people alike.
Loving a place is just the beginning.
It takes courage to stand up and protect it—to ensure that our cherished natural resources and open spaces, vital to Barnstable, continue to exist for generations to come.
The land can’t protect itself — it needs you.
Community and member support allowed us to meet new milestones this year:
Providing over 100 programs with educational and fun activities for all ages and abilities to connect with and learn about nature;
Conserving the 10-acre Wheeler property and home, our first opportunity to provide much-needed housing for staff and caretakers;
Growing our stewardship capacity and launching a fee-for-service program to help our peer organizations and agencies improve the conservation value of protected lands.
Your gift today fuels BLT’s exciting momentum — saving more land, protecting wildlife, and investing in the stewardship necessary to care for these landscapes forever. Ongoing protection requires your involvement, commitment, and generosity. Conservation projects sometimes take years to complete and bring with them a promise to care for the land in perpetuity.
In 2025 we look forward to:
Protecting two community gems in Cotuit as well as property critical to the local water supply;
Working to conserve a cranberry bog for restoration;
Partnering to bring public open space to the Twin Brooks property in Hyannis and restoration of Stewart’s Creek; and
Continuing to engage our community on and with the land with diverse and inviting programs.
Together, we can ensure that the Cape Cod we love remains a place where people and nature thrive in harmony.
Thank you for considering a year-end gift to BLT, knowing that every dollar will help ensure the natural beauty and resources we love and need are here forever.