Diane Hanna, Ropes Field


Ropes Field

by Diane Hanna

Long ago
apples and pears
full of sun
fell here without
a sound.

Wild roses
and raspberries
snarled in thickets.
Woodchucks laughed
at the moon.

Water still blows uphill
to shores of grasses.
People pass by, year
after year, silent, heedless,
in and out of life.

The field is here.

I grew up in a poetic land where lakes were dark and deep and the air was scented with clouds. Images stir my imagination, but I have spent most of my working life as a writer and editor. Letting an image speak is how I create a Story Picture© (all 80+ of them are on my website (www.dianehanna.com). I get very quiet and I listen hard. I believe that party dresses should be worn on ordinary Tuesdays, that we make what we most need to find, and that our life-work is to put our gifts to full and joyful use.

Located at Ropes Field (near Lowell Park) under the big oak tree, 58 Putnam Ave, Cotuit. Pedestrian Access only; no parking available.
