Playing in the Rain

We know that right now any chance to get outside is like gold after being cooped up so long – and with all the rain we are seeing this spring, it’s making some of us think twice about getting out. But don’t let a little rain keep you inside, there are plenty of fun activities to do in the rain, with kids or on your own. Let’s jump in – the water’s fine! 

  1. Take a Walk – It’s really that simple! Pull out your rain gear and take to the trail or the neighborhood sidewalk and enjoy the fresh air and spring greenery. A hot cup of tea or hot cocoa will taste all the better when you come in to warm up. 

  2. Go on Safari – plenty of animals enjoy the rain. Have you ever noticed how many worms surface after a drizzly night? Or how many birds are still flitting about, shaking off their wings on the roadside branches? Can you spot any hopping frogs or toads?  Insects are especially interesting to look for. Keep your eyes open for slugs and snails, and carefully poke around the backyard. Are there bugs hiding under the stones lining the garden beds? Are there any flying insects sheltering under broad leaves, waiting for the shower to pass? 

  3. Be Mindful – Take a minute and use your senses. Find a place to sit, whether wrapped up by an opened window, or outside in your rain gear. Close your eyes and listen to all the sounds. Take some deep breaths and inhale the different smells the rain brings to the surface. Look around and consider how the colors on trees, flowers, even the pavement changes with the rain. 

  4. Get Artsy – Take some chalk outside and see how vibrant the water makes the colors and how they run together more smoothly!            Find fallen leaves and petals, and try some Andy Goldsworthy-style artwork! The water will help things lay flat and stick together. How does your piece change as the rain stops and the materials dry? 

  5. Get Muddy – Well….why not?! Grab some old towels for when you come back inside, and head out into the mud and grass! Make some mud pies, make a mud angel (you only live once!), build a mud and stick castle, and jump in every puddle you can find.  

  6. Plant Some Seeds – What better time to plant some seeds than when the soil is damp and soft, and the rain will water them for you? Visit the Resilient Roots blog to read about what to plant now, and if you’re really in the gardening mood what you can start inside.  

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